Plot Synopsis
After experiencing a family upheaval and suffering from amnesia, Shangguan Chuxia was adopted and took on the name Feng Dongdong. Through a series of coincidences, she met Yun Su and unexpectedly remembered her true identity. In order to uncover the truth, she disguised herself as a spicy maid and reorganized the Shangguan family, working together with her contract fiancé, Yun Su, to bring the culprits to justice. As they spent time together, they gradually developed feelings for each other.
Episode 1 - Chuxia's amnesia starts a whole new life
Episode 2 - Chuxia falls into the water, and Yunsu comes to her rescue
Episode 3 - Chuxia infiltrates the Shangguan family as a maid
Episode 4 - Chuxia cleverly manipulates the relationships within the wealthy family
Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 21-24