Plot Synopsis
"Guess Who I Am" depicts a cunning love story in which the femaleprotagonist, Song Yao, also known as the "Enchanting Beauty with Electric Eyes," and the maleprotagonist, Qin Hao, a "Revengeful Amnesiac," engage in a battle of wits amidst complex emotional entanglements. Legend has it that there is a mysterious organization in the world of the wealthy, dedicated to dealing with morally corrupt scumbags. As long as theprice is right, this organization always manages to successfully solveproblems.
However, in reality, this legendary organization is nothing more than a makeshift team. Their consistent success is solely due to Song Yao's unique constitution – she has the ability to attract wealthy individuals who are habitual liars. Just three seconds of eye contact with Song Yao is enough to make these wealthy individuals uncontrollably fall in love with her and be at her mercy. However, Song Yao's captivating eyes sometimes fail to work, especially when she faces Jì Chéngchuān, the heir of the Chengtian Group.
After several confrontations, Song Yao finally discovers the reason. It turns out that this so-called heir is actually an impostor! Qin Hao,posing as Jì Chéngchuān, has a hidden agenda of infiltrating the Chengtian Groupto expose the truth behind a fire that occurred fifteen years ago. Initially, Qin Hao had no intention of getting involved with Song Yao, the "gold digger," but a twist of fate forces them topretend to be a married couple. As Qin Hao rises to become a true wealthy elite in his role as the CEO, he finds himself irresistibly falling in love with Song Yao the moment he looks into her eyes. This love struggle, enacted by two cunning and scheming actors, will determine who emerges victorious. Let's wait and see.
Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-14
Episode 1 : Song Yao met Ji Chengchuan for the first time.
Episode 2 : Song Yao deliberately disabled Qin Hao's abilities.
Episode 3 : Ji Chengchuan accompanied Song Yao home.
Episode 4 : Song Yao took Ji Chengchuan back to their hometown.
Episode 5 : Ji Chengchuan kissed Song Yao.
Cast & Role
Ji Cheng Chuan
(Wang Zi Qi)
Qin Hao
(Wang Zi Qi)
Gu Zi Jun
(Liu Zhe Hui)
Shen Shuang Shuang
(Wang Jia Yin)