Plot Synopsis
"Stepby StepLove" tells the story of Bu Ran, a spatial designer who coincidentally meets Lu Cenyang, a boss who alsopossesses design abilities. The two of them experience setbacks but continue to firmlypursue their dreams stepby step. Despite going through hardships, they maintain theirpassion and stay true to themselves, ultimately reaping the sincerest rewards in their industry.
Lu Cenyang is a shining star in the business world. He has a gentle and elegant appearance, but harbors a cold and ruthless nature, employing ruthless tactics. His goal is to gain control over the Yi Family Group, all in order to seek revenge for his father, who was framed by the Yi family years ago. In order to achieve his objective, he doesn't hesitate to use Yi Zihe, the heiress of the Yi family, and even agrees to marry her.
Bu Ran, a heiress from aprestigious family, has a stubboand willfulpersonality and refuses to be bound by anything. She falls in love at first sight with Lu Cenyang, unaware of his true intentions. Inpursuit of true love, she is willing to become enemies with her father, Bu Huiyun, and sever ties with her fiancé, Qin Xun. However, when Bu Ran discovers Lu Cenyang's true identity and his schemes, she is already deeply entangled and finds it difficult to extricate herself.
Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-8
Episode 1 : Bu Ran and Lu Cen Yang first meet in the restroom.
Episode 2 : Bu Ran tried various ways to design for Pinshang.
Episode 3 : Bu Ran wants to join the renovation and design project for the welfare institute.
Episode 4 : Bu Ran saw through the fake Taylor and helped Lu Cen Yang.
Episode 5 : Lu Cen Yang used to have a romantic relationship with Bu Ran.
Cast & Role
Bu Ran
(Lu Yang Yang)
Lu Cen Yang
(Zhao Zhi Wei)
Xiao Chen
(Chen Yuan)
Chen Man Ni
(Zhang Rui En)