Teresa Teng

Plot Synopsis

The story begins with a sudden incident at a concert in Shanghai in 2008. Lying on a stretcher, the third brother, Deng Zhang Fu, recalls in his illness a morning in the early winter of 1953 in a military dependents' village in Taiwan, where Deng Li Jun, the fourth child of the Deng family, was born.

From a young age, Deng Li Jun showed great talent in singing, but her father, Deng Shu, was firmly opposed to it. After being discharged from the military, Deng Shu began a career as a street vendor. Deng Li Jun did not understand the depression and homesickness in her father's heart, but she became her father's little helper in selling steamed buns.

After graduating fromprimary school, Deng Li Jun failed to get into middle school, but she had already won a singing competition on the radio and become a regularperformer on singingprograms. Deng Shu got into a conflict with some hoodlums while selling at the market, was beaten and injured, and even became involved in a lawsuit. Late at night, the couple lamented that all this was because they didn't have a fixed store.

Overhearing this, the sympathetic Deng Li Jun became a signed singer and used the advance on her salary to helpher father set upa store. Deng Shu was deeply moved when he found out. Deng Li Jun finally took the stage successfully and received overwhelmingpraise.

Episodes Recap

  • 1-5
  • 6-10
  • 11-15
  • 16-20
  • 21-25
  • 26-30
  • 31-35
  • 36-40
  • 41-45
  • 46-48

Cast & Role

Wang Zhong Wen

Wang Zhong Wen
(He Run Dong)

Deng Li Jun

Deng Li Jun
(Chen Yan Xi)

Zhou Tai Sheng

Zhou Tai Sheng
(Peng Guan Ying)

Zhao Su Gui

Zhao Su Gui
(Jiang Shan)