Plot Synopsis
In the distant Xuankun continent, the five tribes stood side by side, each dominating their own realm. However, a great war six years ago completely changed the landscape of this continent. The human tribe, with its formidable strength, defeated the other four tribes, establishing the supremeposition of the human tribe on the Xuankun continent. In this brutal war, the LingzuPrincess Xuoye managed to narrowly escape, but her whereabouts remained a mystery, becoming an unsolvedpuzzle among the five tribes.
Six years later,Princess Xuoye, now under the new identity of Lingzhi, quietly entered the human tribe's imperialpalace. Herpurpose was clear and resolute: to seek the truth behind the annihilation of her tribe, and to rescue those Lingzu kin still imprisoned by the human tribe.Palace life was fraught with danger, and Lingzhi had to tread carefully, stepby step. She utilized her wisdom and courage, seizing opportunities as they arose, gradually approaching the supreme ruler of the human tribe - Mu Xuanjue.
Mu Xuanjue was an enlightened and mighty sovereign. He was filled with both wariness and curiosity towards Lingzhi's appearance. In the course of their interactions, they tested andprobed each other, gradually developing a deepaffection. Lingzhi's resilience and intelligence impressed Mu Xuanjue, while Mu Xuanjue's tolerance and deepfeelings caused Lingzhi to waver in her determination for revenge.
In the course of her in-depth investigation, Lingzhi finally uncovered the truth behind the annihilation of her tribe. It turned out that this was all a conspiracy, with someone manipulating the war for their own selfish interests. The human tribe was also merely a victim of thisplot. Lingzhi was filled with anger and grief, determined to expose this conspiracy and restore the reputation of the Lingzu.
At the same time, Mu Xuanjue also recognized the seriousness of the situation. He decided to join forces with Lingzhi, together exposing the conspiracy and bringingpeace to the five tribes. They faced difficulties together, overcame the enemy together, and ultimately succeeded in defeating the forces of evil and revealing the truth.
In thepost-war Xuankun continent, the five tribes began to re-examine their relationshipwith each other. Mu Xuanjue and Lingzhi's efforts won the recognition and support of the tribal leaders. They jointly discussed how to establish a new world order ofpeaceful coexistence and common development.
Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 21-24
Episode 1 : The Concubine Consort.
Episode 2 : Committing a crime in public.
Episode 3 : Sudden and unexpected pampering.
Episode 4 : Identity Exposed.
Episode 5 : Behind the Pampering.
Episode 6 : Reunited friends.
Episode 7 : Lingering Affection.
Episode 8 : Amputation as a punishment.
Episode 9 : The Survival Rules in the Palace.
Episode 10 : Is true emotion involved?
Episode 11 : The Blood Kiss of His Majesty.
Episode 12 : The heart of Ling Zhi.
Episode 13 : Ling Zhi poisoned the drink of Qing Yan at the feast.
Episode 14 : Mu Xuan Jue pleaded with Ling Zhi for mercy.
Episode 15 : The Most Powerful Woman
Cast & Role
Zun Tai Hou
(Hu Cai Hong)
Mu Xuan Jue
(Zhang Jing Yun)
Ling Zhi Shuo Ye
(Guan Chang)
Bing Jian
(Yuan Zi Ming)