Plot Synopsis
"Wild Bloom" is an adaptation of the novel "Incapable of Rebirth/Bu De Wang Sheng(不得往生)" by Anai. It tells the story of Xu Ban Xia's journey in the fiercely competitive steel industry during the era of China's reform and opening-up. Xu Ban Xia,portrayed by Zhao Li Ying, starts from scratch with Tong Xiao Qi (Ou Hao) and Chen Yu Zhou (Huang Cheng Cheng). Initially engaged in the scrapsteel business, they gradually become involved in the steel industry, navigating between large state-owned enterprises, foreign companies, andprivate businesses.
Throughout their long entrepreneurial journey, Xu Ban Xia encounters various figures in the business world, including Zhao Lei (Li Guang Jie), Wu Jian She (Liu Wei), Qiu Bi Zheng (Feng Jia Yi), and Gao Yue Jin (Ke Lan). She experiences the harsh realities of human relationships, corporate rivalries, and the cutthroat nature of the market. With her unique vision and daringpersonality, Xu Ban Xia overcomes obstacles and establishes herself in the male-dominated steel industry.
During thisprocess, Xu Ban Xia faces conflicts and struggles between conscience and capital, morality and self-interest. She experiences bothpain and setbacks, as well as sweetness and achievements in her journey.
Where to Watch "Wild Bloom"
iQIYI Free (sub)Episodes Recap
- 1-4
- 5-8
- 9-12
- 13-16
- 17-20
- 21-24
- 25-28
- 29-32
- 33-36
Episode 1 : Tong Xiao Qi was imprisoned
Episode 2 : Xu Ban Xia fought hard at the dinner table to secure a quota to earn money and buy the tidal flats.
Episode 3 : Xu Ban Xia borrowed money everywhere to do business.
Episode 4 : The village chief kept raising the price, so Tong Xiao Qi angrily poured used engine oil.
Episode 5 : Xu Ban Xia rented the mudflats and felt guilty, using her own money to clean up and compensate for the pollution.
Episode 6 : Banxia Storage Yard is open for business.
Episode 7 : Bought scrap copper and encountered a scammer.
Episode 8 : Xu Ban Xia found a source for steel materials.
Episode 9 : The steel purchased by Xu Ban Xia has just arrived, but the price of steel has plummeted.
Episode 10 : Zhao Lei was demoted, and Chen Yu Zhou was beaten.
Episode 11 : Tong Xiao Qi had a car accident.
Episode 12 : Xu Ban Xia welcomes the rebound of steel prices.
Episode 13 : Gao Xin Yi started working at Xu Ban Xia's company.
Episode 14 : Zhao Lei left Rongsite Company.
Episode 15 : Xu Ban Xia's persistence eventually led Zhao Lei to work at her company.
Episode 16 : Chen Yu Zhou is seriously ill, so Xu Ban Xia hires Zhou Qian to pretend to be in a relationship with him.
Episode 17 : Xu Ban Xia reported Qiu Bi Zheng, making him yield.
Episode 18 : Xu Ban Xia hired a lawyer for the workers.
Episode 19 : Xu Ban Xia and Zhao Lei spent a pleasant evening together.
Episode 20 : Xu Ban Xia was left stranded in the snowy forest by Wang Da Sheng.
Episode 21 : Zhou Qian asked Chen Yu Zhou to seek medical treatment.
Episode 22 : Wu Jian She devised a plan to persuade Zhao Lei to leave Xu Ban Xia's side.
Episode 23 : Xu Ban Xia failed to win the bid for the Second Steel Plant.
Episode 24 : Xu Ban Xia plans to establish her own steel plant.
Episode 25 : Wu Jian She shamelessly discharges wastewater in order to make money.
Episode 26 : Gao Xin Yi is going to study abroad.
Episode 27 : Qiu Bi Zheng is afraid of going to jail and wants to withdraw his shares.
Episode 28 : Zhao Lei did not propose to Xu Ban Xia.
Cast & Role
Chen Yu Zhou
(Huang Cheng Cheng)
Xu Ban Xia
(Zhao Li Ying)
Tong Xiao Qi
(Ou Hao)
Zhao Lei
(Li Guang Jie)
Zhao Li Ying's explosive performance and sharp lines are so powerful! She's one of the rare fierce female leads in Chinese dramas. With her red lips, black hair, and trench coat, she acts decisively and swiftly.
How does she manage to maintain such a dominant presence while still having a sweet and charming face?
The amount of money is nothing to him, and he willingly spent it. In the last episode, this woman confessed, and she's not a particularly bad person. She must have been moved by Xiaochen's sincerity. However, it's too heartbreaking that she's sick.
Nothing is more important than health. I hope Xiaochen can survive.
This episode made me quite angry. How could they be so mean to the little child? It's really heartbreaking to see them mistreat him like that.
Adult love stories are truly captivating. Zhao Li Ying has excellent chemistry with every co-star she works with.
I finally understood after watching it again today. Xu Ban Xia deliberately entangled Wu Jian She, wanting Zhao Lei to leave. She had a significant funding gap, and only by partnering with Zhao Lei would she have the ability to obtain those 15,000 tons of scrap steel.
Therefore, disrupting the collaboration between Zhao Lei and Wu Jian She was necessary.
Being in love makes a difference. Even when facing difficulties, you can still call Zhao Lei all lovely and speak so gently, Mr. Xu.
As expected, when things couldn't get any worse, the steel was gone, and they took the money and ran. What should we do now? I'm so angry at being deceived like this.
Zhao Lei was considering the company's interests, wanting to acquire Banxia at the lowest cost, while Xiaochen insisted on showing results. They had different perspectives, and it led to an argument. Sob, sob, sob.
I can understand why fans of silly and innocent characters might find it hard to tolerate this kind of woman. My roommate said Xu Banxia's ambition and pursuit are written all over her face. She has her own ideas and is assertive.
It makes her uncomfortable to see such a driven and aggressive woman.
Xu Ban Xia is ambitious, decisive, and opinionated. She is resolute in her actions. However, she also values loyalty and treats her brothers well. She has her principles when it comes to doing things.
She is a flesh-and-blood character, and I think this kind of person is great because you can learn a lot from them. Most people can't achieve what she does, which is why many only prefer sweet and naive characters.
Did Guo Qi Dong betray Qiu Bizheng by pretending to be loyal while secretly working against him? I was quite convinced by the investigation results presented by Banxia and the others earlier, but Guo Qi Dong's convincing arguments have thrown me off!
Now I'm as confused as Qiu Bizheng, not knowing what to believe anymore.
I feel like Xiaochen's complexion looks a bit pale in the drama. Who knows, but I can't help but wonder if he's not in the best physical condition. Could this be a sign of something?
I've noticed something strange. Because of Zhao Liying's portrayal of Banxia, I find Li Guangjie's portrayal of Zhao Lei very charismatic, and the two of them have great chemistry. But whenever I see Li Guangjie in variety shows or interviews, he just doesn't seem to match the character at all.
Xu Banxia has no family. When the music about wanting a home starts playing, listening to Xu Banxia's father's words is quite touching. Xu Banxia sees her father's happy family through the rearview mirror, but she herself has no family.
Tears well up in Xu Banxia's eyes, and they start to fall. Sigh...
No matter how strong one's will is, it cannot resist everything. Not showing vulnerability doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The look in Banxia's eyes, a mix of obvious reluctance and watching her father walk away decisively towards his new family, the expression on her face as she sees them being "a family." It truly pierced my heart.
Xu Banxia is such a two-faced person! To Qu Zong's face, she calls him "General Qu," but behind his back, she calls him "Baldy!" The moment she sees an opportunity to backstab him, she immediately says something like "I'll let you wake up at the doorstep" before he even finishes his drink.
The Wind Blows Halfway" is the best TV drama I've seen this year. It's the only drama that I haven't skipped through.
Comparison: Among equally capable women, Feng Yu's wife is more capable than Feng Yu himself and has better resources than Xu Ban Xia (her father owns a factory). Everyone knows about Feng Yu and his affair with Baobao, yet they still haven't divorced.
There's a kind of vague feeling that this winter, with the appearance of "A Breeze Blows Through the Half of Summer," I sense a subtle healing power, although I'm not sure why.
Xu Ban Xia is in great need of love. Her mother passed away, her father started a new family, and she grew up stumbling and falling all by herself. That's why she got married right after graduation.
She longs for a home of her own. That scene in the car where she had a heart-to-heart with her father, it was like if he showed her just a little bit of love, she would be completely drawn to it.
She yearns for a warm and loving home.
I had a hunch it wouldn't be a necklace, but giving a knife? Zhao Zong really is the epitome of a straight guy.