The Swimsuit Saga

Plot Synopsis

"Legend of Bikini" tells the story of the entrepreneurial success of the Xingcheng swimsuit industry, represented by the couplePeng Jinxi and Luo Hong, riding the wave of reform. It depicts the journey of these two ordinary individuals, from overcomingpoverty to becoming millionaires and eventually local business representatives, faithfullyportraying the key turningpoints in the development of the era and showcasing the history of reform and opening up.

In 1978,Peng Jinxi (played by Qiao Shan), a 20-year-old from Xingcheng, LiaoningProvince, was reported by his rival Qin Sheng for "speculation andprofiteering" and imprisoned, losing the opportunity to attend university. After his release,Peng Jinxi starts his own business byproducing and selling swim trunks. His girlfriend Luo Hong (played by Yang Zishan) stands by his side, and despite facing numerous difficulties, they overcome them and get married.Peng Jinxi becomes the first local millionaire in the area.

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Sun Shu Fen

Sun Shu Fen
(Jia Jin Jin)

Peng Jin Xiu

Peng Jin Xiu
(Han Yun Yun)

Jia Wei Min

Jia Wei Min
(Yu Yang)

Luo Xian

Luo Xian
(Feng Man)