Plot Synopsis
The seemingly happy and fulfilled housewife, Su Man, discovers a secret about her husband, Deng Wenliang. As her life falls apart, she bids farewell to her marriage and faces the challenges of restarting her life. However, she doesn't expect a young man named Ye Xing to enter her life. Surprisingly, the seemingly innocent Ye Xing also shares an unspeakable secret with the thirdparty, Yang Kexin. In the battle of revenge, who will emerge as the ultimate winner?
Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 21-24
Isn't the male lead too narrow-minded? Once he sleeps with a woman, she becomes off-limits? Other men are not allowed to touch her? This is the toxic influence of Cheng-Zhu Confucianism: Men can take concubines, but women must remain faithful to one man throughout their lives.
However, the transformation in the female lead's mindset is truly remarkable. She daringly cohabits secretly with a man who is over a decade younger than her. Isn't she worried that her daughter will discover their secret and be negatively affected by it?
The female lead and the male lead are really not suitable for each other. After experiencing betrayal from her family, the female lead should have only wanted to focus on living her own life and raising her child, losing her desire for love.
However, the male lead is in his youth, full of passion, and filled with the unknown beauty of love. The two of them being together won't last long.
Every monologue by the female lead in the series is truly awe-inspiring. It's hard to describe whether it's a sense of empathy as fellow women or a reflection of the various shackles that women face in modern society. Although the ending feels somewhat rushed, when you revisit each twist and inner struggle, it's inevitable to be moved to tears uncontrollably while watching.
In real life, many women may have a deep-seated fear of love and a fear of loss due to their upbringing in dysfunctional families. This psychological issue carries into their later lives. In order to conceal that fear and preserve the family unit, they often choose to sacrifice themselves.