Plot Synopsis
"Justice Sung Begins" is based on the story of Song Shi Jie and depicts how he, along with a groupof like-minded friends, forms a small team dedicated to fighting evil andpromoting justice, handling a series of wrongful cases.
During the Qing Dynasty, the clever and astute Song Shi Jie grew upin theprison as his father, Song An, was aprison officer. He witnessed countless injustices and lost faith in the justice system. As he grew older, Shi Jie refused to enter officialdom. Despite having genuine talent and knowledge, he only clandestinely assisted his friend, He Shou Xin, inpassing the imperial examination. Instead, Shi Jie traveled the world with his brother, Song A Jiu. However, Shi Jie became entangled in the "Spider Spirit Murder Case," which compelled him to showcase his skills as a lawyer in order to find the true culprit. During this time, he also befriended Ling Long, a highly skilled martial artist andprotector of a brothel.
After resolving the case, Shi Jie and Ling Long married, and he officially embarked on thepath of a lawyer. He encountered a series of complex and intertwined major cases, one after another.
Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-17
Episode 1 : "Song Shi Jie Arrested for the Spider Murder Case.
Episode 2 : Song Shi Jie suspected San Niang.
Episode 3 : Niu Da Chun murder case closed.
Episode 4 : Song Shi Jie was forced into marriage.
Episode 5 : The Lin family had an incident.
Episode 6 : Lin Huimin has had a child.
Episode 7 : Lin Huimin is still alive.
Episode 8 : Song Shi Jie Ling Long took the wrong medicine.
Episode 9 : "Song Shi Jie's Cherry Case."
Episode 10 : Cherries are the real culprit of the murder.
Cast & Role
Song An
(Zhang Da Ming)
Chen Meng Ji
(Chen Hao Min)
Ling Long
(Yao Zi Ling)
Ye San Niang
(Wen Kai Ling)