Plot Synopsis
A modefemale student unexpectedly transmigrates into the role of the maliciousprincess consort, Lu Shuangshuang, in an ancient novel. Having a deepunderstanding of theplot, she decides to distance herself from the despised CrownPrince Mo Chengqian and seeks a new love interest in the second male lead, all in order toprotect her own life. However, the CrownPrince cannot sit still and launches a series ofpursuits, all in the hope of winning the heart of the beauty. The CrownPrincepursues, while theprincess consort hides. The final outcome of their story remains to be seen...
Where to Watch "When We Meet Again"
TencentVideo (Subscription)Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 21-24