
Plot Synopsis

A memorial service about Fei Ke (played by Jing Bai Ran) was held, and female journalist He Shan (played by Zhou Yi Ran) was invited along with five strangers. They all had unknown connections with Fei Ke, but they discovered that the Fei Ke they knew was not the sameperson. Who is Fei Ke exactly? As the groupretraces their steps, they gradually uncover the truth about Fei Ke...

This drama is a suspenseful anti-fraud-themed series consisting of 10 tightly woven episodes, featuring talented actors such as Jing Bai Ran and Zhou Yi Ran. Jing Bai Ranportrays five characters, showcasing his versatile acting skills, while Zhou Yi Ranplays the role of the judge.

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Chen Jia Jia

Chen Jia Jia
(Chen Yu Xian)

Cheng Hao

Cheng Hao
(Huang Jue)

Fei Ke

Fei Ke
(Jing Bai Ran)

He Shan

He Shan
(Zhou Yi Ran)