Plot Synopsis
The Elephant City, an obscure little town, is recentlyplanning to reinvent itself by hosting a grand "international event" - a marathon with tens of thousands ofparticipants. When this news broke, the townspeople were buzzing with excitement, eager to make their mark on this grand occasion.
Zhang Kuang, a local young man, has lofty ambitions. He wants to make this event a huge success and evenplanned to secure the hosting rights for the marathon, hoping to catapult himself to fame. However, he never imagined things would become so complicated. Somehow, he got entangled in a counterfeit currency scheme, and even the elephant borrowed from the circus mysteriously disappeared.
To keephis "grandplan" afloat, Zhang Kuang has been borrowing money left and right. But his creditors are no ordinary folks - they are the local thug, Dog Bro. Dog Bro had long been eyeing the circus troupe'splot of land, hoping topull a fast one and claim it for himself. Little did he know, his actions would end upbackfiring.
Then there's Uncle Zhi and Sis Hei, who built their fortune through counterfeiting in thepast. But with the rise of digital currency, their illicit business has gone downhill. They too saw the marathon as an opportunity to launder their final batch of ill-gotten gains and transition into legitimate enterprises. Unfortunately, they oversimplified the situation and ended updragging Zhang Kuang into the mess.
Unaware of all these intricacies, Zhang Kuang is solely focused on successfully "completing" the marathon. It has become clear that this is no longer just a race, but a grand battle of human nature, desires, and justice!
Where to Watch "The Elephant Is Right Here"
iQIYI (Subscription)Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-12