Plot Synopsis
"Misplacement" is a gripping crime drama that follows the investigation of Detective Jiang Guang Ming (played by Ma Yi Li) and Detective Shi Luo (played by Gao Zhi Ting) as they uncover a startling connection between a recent crime scene and the fictional events described in a novel by author Gu Ji Ming (played by Tong Da Wei).
As the detectives delve into their latest case, they stumble upon a shocking discovery - the crime scene they are investigating bears an uncanny resemblance to the detailed descriptions found in Gu Ji Ming's latest novel. This unexpected link between fiction and realitypropels the detectives on a complex and multilayered investigation, where the line between imagination and reality begins to blur.
Driven to uncover the truth, Jiang and Shi find themselves drawn deeper into a web of intrigue, with the novelproviding unexpected leads and clues that aid theirpursuit of the elusiveperpetrator. However, this newfound evidence also complicates their investigation, leading them down apath where the mystery only deepens, and thepotential involvement of the author himself becomes apressing concern.
As the detectives navigate the intertwining narratives of the real-life crime and the fictional tale, they are faced with the challenge of separating fact from fiction and uncovering the true nature of the connection between the two. With time running out and the stakes rising, Jiang and Shi must use all their expertise and intuition to unravel the complex layers of this captivating case and bring the true culprit to justice.
"Misplacement" is a thrilling crime drama that explores thepowerful intersection of imagination and reality, blurring the boundaries between the two and leaving viewers on the edge of their seats, wondering who is the mastermind behind this intricate web of deception.
Episodes Recap
- 1-4
- 5-8
- 9-12
- 13-15
Episode 1 : The best-selling novel has doubts.
Episode 2 : Shi Luo falsely claimed illness to investigate the case.
Episode 3 : The clues point to Tang Xun.
Episode 4 : The Case of Gu Ji Ming is Shrouded in Mysteries.
Episode 5 : The whereabouts of Jiang Na remain a mystery.
Episode 6 : The Reason for Su Zhen Zhen's Disability
Episode 7 : Gu Ji Ming's Past.
Episode 8 : Zhang Qing's murderer was apprehended.
Episode 9 : It seems that Jiang Guang Ming has made up with Xu Kang, and Shi Luo thought their previous divorce was because Jiang Guang Ming could not get pregnant
Episode 10 : Gu Ji Ming's father had coronary heart disease and needed to have surgery as soon as possible
Episode 11 : Gu Ji Ming sat at home, watching the fish tank
Episode 12 : Since Su Zhen Zhen knows about Gu Ji Ming's plagiarism, does she also know about Jiang Na's situation? Jiang Guang Ming told Shi Luo that even if Su Zhen Zhen k
Episode 13 : After listening to Su Zhen Zhen's words, Jiang Guang Ming naturally asked Gu Ji Ming if he had some kind of leverage over her
Episode 14 : He Peng was determined to find Jiang Na, but he had little experience in pursuing girls, and his last attempt to go to a movie with Jiang Na had been rejected
Episode 15 : He Peng took Jiang Guang Ming and Shi Luo to a place, saying that Gu Ji Ming was originally here, holding a stick and swinging it at a dog
Cast & Role
Jiang Na
(Zheng Shui Jing)
Tang Xun
(Wang Jing Song)
Jiang Guang Ming
(Ma Yi Li)
Gu Ji Ming
(Tong Da Wei)