Plot Synopsis
"Miss Lucky Go!" is an adaptation of thepopular novel "Zhong Ci Yi Ren - Miss Lucky Go!" by Tang Xintian. It tells the story of Chen Mi Ren, who aspires to become a figurine designer but is instead transferred to the Business Administration department. She unexpectedly becomes classmates with her ex-boyfriend and high school heartthrob, Zhong Wei. Chen Mi Ren finds herself being relentlesslypursued by Zhong Wei, who claims it's for revenge and torture. The story revolves around their complicated relationship, which started with misunderstandings and leaves them at a loss for words, forcing them to come upwith strategies to deal with each other.
Chen Mi Ren (played by Lin Qi Yu) is a determined individual who despises her reputation as a "love thief." Zhong Wei (played by Liu Te) is a stingy and genuinelypoor second-generation rich man. The two engage in "revenge and torment" to win back their former love. Bao Jia Guo (played by Zhang Jiong Min) is the class monitor who conceals his struggles for the sake of collective honor, while Xu Miao Miao (played by Xu Mu Chan) breaks the stereotype of relying solely on her looks as the school beauty. The class monitor and school beauty also find themselves sincerely involved amidst "conflicts" and "testing strategies." Alongside other classmates, they showcase the true essence of youth throughplayful and memorable moments.
Where to Watch "Miss Lucky Go !"
iQIYI Free (sub)Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 21-24
Episode 1 : Chen Mi Ren and Zhong Wei reunite.
Episode 2 : Chen Mi Ren helps Zhong Wei draw a poster.
Episode 3 : Zhong Wei becomes a campus ambassador.
Episode 4 : Zhong Wei helps Chen Mi Ren solve the issue with her action figures/collectible toys.
Episode 5 : Chen Mi Ren is mistaken for a thief.
Episode 6 : Xu Miao Miao's Heartbreak
Episode 7 : Chen Mi Ren Misunderstands Zhong Wei
Episode 8 : Chen Mi Ren and Zhong Wei Together
Episode 9 : Chen Mi Ren mistakenly thought that Zhong Wei was a fake second-generation rich.
Episode 10 : Chen Mi Ren transformed into the Snail Girl.
Episode 11 : Chen Mi Ren specifically looked for an inexpensive place to meet.
Episode 12 : Zhong Wei revealed his true identity.
Episode 13 : Bao Jia Guo campaigned for Xu Miao Miao.
Episode 14 : Luo Si discovered that Fang Mao was a scumbag.
Episode 15 : "Cao Jia Er is here."
Episode 16 : Chen Mi Ren discovered that Zhong Wei was going on a date with Cao Jia Er.
Episode 17 : Luo Si and Fang Mao broke up and then reconciled.
Episode 18 : Episode 18.
Episode 19 : Zhong Wei explained things clearly to Cao Jia Er.
Episode 20 : Zhong Wei plans to take an indirect approach to save the country.
Cast & Role
Bao Jia Guo
(Zhang Jiong Min)
Zhong Wei
(Liu Te)
Chen Mi Ren
(Lin Qi Yu)
Xu Miao Miao
(Xu Mu Chan)
It's the final episode, and I'm feeling emotional. The events that happen during youth are unique to each person, and their significance varies as well. However, when it comes to the things that happen during youth, I can relate to each and every one of them just by watching the show.
The romantic storylines of the other characters are also well-defined. Each couple has their own unique traits, whether it's being reserved, humorous, tragic, or compassionate. Every character is well-developed and worth watching, allowing you to relax and enjoy the show.
In our jumbled memories, our youth is flawless and perfect. Therefore, under the bright sunshine of this drama, I often blur the faces of Zhong Wei and Chen Mi Ren, imagining them as ordinary versions of you and me from those mundane years.
The drama contains a significant amount of female rivalry plotlines, and there are also numerous uncomfortable details. For instance, the second male lead asks the second female lead to help bring sanitary pads to the female lead, but he is criticized and labeled as a pervert.
The second male lead assists a random female character with her luggage, only to be inexplicably dragged into a play between a couple, and the second female lead sneers at him. Additionally, at the beginning, the male lead resorts to teasing the female lead to capture her attention, and there is a supporting female character with an overly romanticized mindset.
Both the main couple and the supporting couple have storylines where a malicious female character tries to steal the male lead, pushing the development of their relationships. It seems like the drama might be an adaptation of a novel, and I initially thought the original work was from ten years ago, but it turns out it was published just this year.
I'm not sure if the novel is the same, so proceed with caution when watching it.
The female lead's character is somewhat flawed. Why didn't she just directly tell the male lead that she's not the childhood heroine? Moreover, since she chose to reconcile with the male lead, regardless of whether the real heroine appeared later or not, wouldn't she feel guilty and remorseful for impersonating someone else?