Falling in Love with Me

Plot Synopsis

"Falling In Love With Me" is an adaptation of the novel "The Rebirth of the Flower Vase Girl" by Fei Sheng. It tells the story of Tong Yu Xin, who is tone-deaf butpossesses a magical necklace. Whenever she wears the necklace, her singing voice can make the audience fall in love with her for one hour, making her apopular online singer-songwriter. One day, she accidentally kisses Tang Yu Tong, a music teacher, which causes the necklace to transfer to him. Tong Yu Xin, who has lost her magic, reverts to her original self and is desperate to seduce Tang Yu Tong to retrieve the necklace. However, Tang Yu Tong insists that she learns music from him. Thus, a romantic journey of love and music unfolds, revealing a tale of misplaced first love. In the end, the transformed Tong Yu Xin discovers the true "magic" that can change her life.

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Liang Te Te
(Si Wai Ge)

Tong Yu Xin
(Kang Xi)

Tang Yu Tong
(Gu Lan Di)

Shen Zhi Zhou
(Meng En)