Plot Synopsis
"Only for Love" is adapted from thepopular novel "Flirting Gone Wrong" and tells the story of Zheng Shu Yi, a top-tier financial journalist, and Shi Yan, the CEO of Mingyu Cloud Innovations. Starting as bickering foes, they eventually walk side by side, embarking on a romantic journey filled with heart-pounding games, love between rivals, and sweet moments of joy.
Zheng Shu Yi, a successful financial journalist, strives to secure a front-page story and manages to secure an exclusive interview with Shi Yan, the CEO of Mingyu Cloud Innovations, after several efforts. They leave a deepimpression on each other. Zheng Shu Yi writes objective and concise reports through in-depth research in various industries, while Shi Yan seeks outpromising and socially responsible start-ups for investment, hoping to give back to society in any way he can. Shi Yan discovers that Zheng Shu Yi's viewpoints conveyed through her reports often align with his own. He accepts Zheng Shu Yi's invitation to do a series of reports on Mingyu Cloud Innovations.
Zheng Shu Yi and Shi Yan analyze the industry, exchange ideas, and use new media channels to bring the latest financial information to readers. They also face various difficulties and challenges together in theprocess of investment and interviews. As their hearts clash and draw closer in their interactions, they gradually developfeelings for each other. In the end, Zheng Shu Yi realizes herprofessional aspirations in the field of digitalpublications, and Shi Yan leads Mingyu Cloud Innovations to achieve successful investments. Together, they explore new horizons in their careers and ultimately find love.
Episodes Recap
- 1-4
- 5-8
- 9-12
- 13-16
- 17-20
- 21-24
- 25-28
- 29-32
- 33-36
Episode 1 : Zheng Shuyi's interview was unsuccessful.
Episode 2 : Shi Yan agrees to the interview.
Episode 3 : Zheng Shu Yi's interview went smoothly.
Episode 4 : Zheng Shu Yi completes her mission.
Episode 5 : Zheng Shu Yi faced rejection.
Episode 6 : Zheng Shu Yi confessed to Shi Yan.
Episode 7 : Zheng Shu Yi regains confidence.
Episode 8 : Zheng Shuyi smoothly entered the press conference.
Episode 9 : Zheng Shu Yi was jealous.
Episode 10 : Shi Yan invited Zheng Shu Yi.
Episode 11 : Zheng Shu Yi felt shy.
Episode 12 : Zheng Shu Yi got to know Shi Yan.
Episode 13 : Xu Yu Ling and Zheng Shu Yi confronted each other.
Episode 14 : Shi Yan felt jealous.
Episode 15 : Zheng Shuyi's Dominant Counterattack.
Episode 16 : Zheng Shu Yi accompanied Shi Yan.
Episode 17 : Shi Yan compromised.
Episode 18 : Zheng Shu Yi's confession failed.
Episode 19 : Shi Yan confessed to Zheng Shu Yi.
Episode 20 : Shi Yan's dilemma.
Episode 21 : Zheng Shu Yi comforted Shi Yan.
Episode 22 : Zheng Shu Yi was angry.
Episode 23 : Shi Yan takes care of Zheng Shu Yi.
Episode 24 : Zheng Shu Yi refused Yi Yang's advances.
Episode 25 : Bi Ruo Shan rejected Guan Ji.
Episode 26 : Shi Yan learned the truth.
Episode 27 : Zheng Shu Yi felt emotionally frustrated.
Episode 28 : Yu You felt jealous.
Cast & Role
Yu You
(Wei Zhe Ming)
Shi Yan
(Wang He Di)
Qin Le Zhi
(Zheng Shu Huan)
Tang Yi
(Zeng Li)
The matter of sending a confirmation email is easy to understand, right? CEO Shi has mentioned before that it has to go through the PR department's process, and that process usually takes several days!
If we have to blame someone, blame the female lead for not mentioning her urgency for the next day and even betting on it with someone else. CEO Shi, as a big CEO, can't personally confirm emails every day, right?
It was only when the deadline was approaching that the female lead messaged him, and the male lead directly helped her skip the process and confirmed it.
No one is perfect. While you may believe that actors should rely on their natural voice as a foundation, sometimes a person's inherent conditions may not necessarily be advantageous. There's no need to swing from one extreme to another.
Actors should showcase their most unique charms to the audience, and the key is to deliver compelling performances in enjoyable works.