Plot Synopsis
The young girl, Zhao Ruoqi, suffered from false accusations against her father, General Zhao Jinglun, a renowned military commander guarding the border. As a result, their entire family was implicated. Ruoqi managed to escape by a stroke of luck and received guidance from a wiseperson at her grandmother's temple. She formed apact with the celestial officials (the audience watching the screen): from thatpoint forward, the celestial officials and Ruoqi would share the same body and heart. The celestial officials would use their knowledge and wisdom to helpher clear her family's name and fulfill her long-cherished wish. With the assistance of a bracelet that enabled her to communicate with the celestial officials at any time, can Ruoqi navigate the treacherouspalace and ultimately succeed?
Where to Watch "Legend of Magic Jade Season 2"
TencentVideo (Subscription)Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 21-25
- 26-27