
Plot Synopsis

"Dream" focuses on the concept of "Internet+" and a new business model. It tells the story of young individuals who have just entered society and strive for their dreams. After experiencing various hardships, they face conflicts between interests and responsibilities, wealth and dreams, family bonds and temptations, love and betrayal. Ultimately, they break through themselves and create apath towards their dreams.

Four close friends who shared a dormitory during their university years are about to graduate. A sudden eventprompts these ambitious grassroots youths, who have no influential backgrounds, to come together and rent a house in the land of "Beijing," which is full of opportunities, in order topursue their individual life dreams. Little did they expect that troubles would arise from this decision. During the challengingprocess of finding a house, they are inspired and decide to start their own business, intending toprovide services to other struggling individuals in Beijing through the concept of "Internet+" and a new business model for the rental market.

Through mutual understanding and cooperation, the groupof friends goes through ups and downs. After experiencing various hardships and facing conflicts between interests and responsibilities, wealth and dreams, family bonds and temptations, love and betrayal, they finally break through themselves and create apath towards their dreams.

Episodes Recap

  • 1-5
  • 6-10
  • 11-15
  • 16-20
  • 21-25
  • 26-30
  • 31-35
  • 36-37

Cast & Role

Yu Peng Yue

Yu Peng Yue
(Jia Nai Liang)

Chen Tai Zhen
(Li Yan Man)

Wang Shuo
(Cao Wei Yu)

Cheng Fei Fei
(Peng Bo)