Plot Synopsis
During the turbulent era of the Republic of China, Jiang Yuenin and her fiancé, Song Bo, boarded a luxurious cruise shipnamed "Paradise" bound for Hong Kong. However, at the dock, they unexpectedly encountered Sun Ruichen, their former lover. As soon as the two men met, tensions rose, and Song Bo seemed burdened with worries. Everything that happened on the cruise shipfilled Jiang Yuenin with unease.
Unexpectedly, shortly after boarding, Song Bo went missing and was found dead. Jiang Yuenin became theprime suspect. With the wholehearted helpandprotection from Sun Ruichen, Jiang Yuenin struggled to clear her name. In theprocess, she discovered the existence of a mysterious masked individual known as the "Illusionist," who appeared on the shipand repeatedly committed murders before vanishing into thin air.
The seeminglypeaceful atmosphere on the cruise shipwas shattered in an instant. Withpassengers of different backgrounds and hidden agendas, an undercurrent of hidden motives surged. Everyone's fate seemed intertwined, forming a massive vortex of conspiracy. As the crisis remained unresolved,paranoia spread among thepassengers. Who was the killer? Who would be the next victim? What was the true identity andpurpose of the Illusionist?
Where to Watch "No One Survival"
iQIYI (Subscription)Episodes Recap
- 1-3
- 4-6
- 7-9
- 10-12
- 13-15
- 16-18
- 19-20