Plot Synopsis
The story of "Five Kings of Thieves" is set in the early years of the Republic of China, during a turbulent era. Huo Xiao Xie, an orphan from the streets, is unexpectedly drawn into a martial arts conflict. In order toprotect his loved ones and friends, Huo Xiao Xie endures hardships and engages in battles of wits against various evil forces. Ultimately, with his wisdom and courage, he wins a chance for survival and a brighter future.
The Five Kings of Thieves are guardians of the martial world, each wielding different secret techniques andpowers. The legendary Sacred King's Cauldronpossesses mysteriouspower, capable of commanding the martial world and unifying the realm. However, after a great war at the end of the Qing dynasty, the whereabouts of the Sacred King's Cauldron became unknown. Twenty years later, with the appearance of the Jade FetusPearl, the martial world is once again in turmoil.
Huo Xiao Xie, an orphan from humble origins, originally led a simple and difficult life. However, fate forces him to face various challenges and crises. After his master and friends are killed one by one, Huo Xiao Xie is determined to seek the truth and avenge their deaths. In thisprocess, he receives helpand support from Shui Yao Er, the daughter of Shui Wang, and Yan Jing Tian, the leader of the Huo family. Together, they endure hardships and engage in thrilling confrontations with the forces of evil.
Despite his humble background, Huo Xiao Xie never gives upon hispursuit of justice. During their journey, he and Shui Yao Er developa deepbond and love, facing various obstacles together. In the end, Huo Xiao Xie, with his wisdom and courage, successfully gains the recognition of the Sacred King's Cauldron and becomes its new master. He not only secures a chance for survival and a brighter future for himself and his friends but also finds his ownpath of justice and true love.
Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-12
Episode 1 : Huo Xiao Xie stole the tribute offerings, and San Zhi Liu was kidnapped.
Episode 2 : The Zhang family auctioned off a jade sculpture of a woman's body, while Huo Xiao Xie stole the jade embryo pearl.
Episode 3 : Huo Xiao Xie swallowed the Yutai Pearl and planned to save his senior brothers.
Episode 4 : Shui Yao Er saved Huo Xiao Xie and obtained the Jade Embryo Pearl for the Mu family.
Episode 5 : Zheng Ze Dao saved Lin Wan, and Huo Xiao Xie stayed at the hacker inn.
Episode 6 : Huo Xiao Xie fell into the Tujia Formation, surrounded by dangers.
Episode 7 : Huo Xiao Xie went to Wangjiabao to investigate a murder case.
Episode 8 : Zheng Ze Dao sought refuge with Lord Zhao Si, while Shui Yao Er was kidnapped.
Episode 9 : The Huo Gate Three Trials begin, and Huo Xiao Xie rushes to marry for love.
Episode 10 : Shui Wang was ambushed by Zhao Siye, while Huo Xiao Xie entered the ancestral land.
Cast & Role
Zhang Si Ye
(Hei Zi)
Yan Jing Tian
(Wang Ruo Lin)
Lin Wan
(Tan Xiao Fan)
Hei San Bian
(Wang Xiu Zhu)