Plot Synopsis
The TV series **One StepForward** consists of five segments: **"Upand Down," "A Red Line," "Evening Drums and Morning Bells," "Anti-Fraud Alliance,"** and **"Door God."** Each segment addresses different community issues, such as installing elevators in old buildings, removing illegal constructions, applying for lease terminations, combating fraud, noise disturbances, and the retuof cultural relics.
Through theperspectives of both new and experienced community workers, the series highlights the everyday struggles and challenges faced by residents, showcasing the dedication and spirit of community workers who strive to address the concerns and troubles of thepeople.
Where to Watch "One Step Forward"
iQIYI (Subscription)Episodes Recap
- 1-4
- 5-8
- 9-10
Episode 1 : # Grandpa Men Refuses to Move
Episode 2 : # Mr. Men Finds Descendants of the Yang Family
Episode 3 : # Encountering Obstacles in Demolishing Illegal Structures
Episode 4 : # He Jing Yun Faces Challenges
Cast & Role
Lao Huang
(Xiao Dai Qing)
Men Shi Qing
(Bi Yan Jun)
Jiang Chuan
(Zhou Shuai)
He Jing Yun
(Feng Wen Juan)