Plot Synopsis
"Bionic" tells the story of the rapid development of androids, which raises concerns among thepublic. The organization known as "Bright Eyes" is responsible for handling cases involving androids, and it is a story where the destinies of humans and androids are quietly rewritten.
In the year 2035, androids that are indistinguishable from humans have causedpublic concedue to their rapid development. The "Bright Eyes" organization specializes in handling cases related to androids. Cheng Nuo, a member of the organization, is level-headed, while An Qiu is skilled in empathy. Faced with the continuous harm suffered by androids, the two join forces to unravel the mysteries. Amidst the complexities of life, the Bionic emerges. The destinies of humans and androids are both being quietly rewritten...
Where to Watch "Bionic"
iQIYI SubscriptionEpisodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-12
Episode 1 : The Dangers of Androids, a Homicide at the Hot Spring Hotel.
Episode 2 : An Qiu joins the Mingmou Institute. Android Falls in Love with Female Artist.
Episode 3 : A series of replicants were killed, and Cheng Nuo found Lv Yan.
Episode 4 : Lv Yan concluded that Zhang Ya would not commit suicide, and Cheng Nuo accepted An Qiu's criticism of himself.
Episode 5 : Huang Cong Er confirmed to be a replicant, An Qiu and Cheng Nuo help the Huang family escape from the extortion of criminals.
Episode 6 : An Qiu and Cheng Nuo investigate the mysterious case of Li Yi's murder by Yin Tian Hong.
Episode 7 : Yin Tian Hong revealed the truth to An Qiu. Cheng Nuo began to suspect An Qiu's identity.
Episode 8 : An Qiu and Cheng Nuo both have their own concerns, while Sun Yao and Xu Yi Nian have a mutual understanding.
Episode 9 : Xu Yi Nian was identified as a synthetic human, and Cheng Nuo was supposed to help An Qiu destroy the evidence.
Episode 10 : Yin Tian Hong started a live broadcast to expose Mingmou Cheng Nuo, asking An Qiu to kill himself as an act of redemption.
Cast & Role
Luo Li
(Tao Hui)
Shen Li
(Lv Yu Lai)
Wan Guo Feng
(Zu Feng)
Xu Yi Nian
(Chen Yu Mi)
I gave it a thought and I feel that this drama has something unique. The theme is refreshing, and it's a bold attempt. Personally, I think the author or director seems to be cautious about the rapid development of artificial intelligence, as there are indeed many uncontrollable risks involved.
Have you noticed that this series is actually anti-progressive? The concept of androids is a form of technology, and technology itself cannot be forcibly categorized into a binary system of good and evil.
It is only when events occur during its usage that violate fundamental moral principles that it falls into the realm of moral judgment.
Where did the android go? Instead of calling colleagues to go to the forest park to search for someone, why is the forest park only 50 square meters and only three people went? In the hospital, they say the male lead didn't save people while chasing the culprit, but didn't the psychiatrist save them?
What's the difference if the male lead is present or not? After rescuing them, are they still inhaling the thick smoke? Why is the smoke so intense? Why didn't the psychiatrist faint from the air filled with it? The thinking and logic are flawed.
Does the screenwriter think we're first-grade students? After watching the first episode, I don't have any desire to watch the second episode.
Replicants, in essence, are human-like beings created by humans. Apart from their initial programming, they are almost indistinguishable from humans. Humans created them and integrated them into society, solely to enjoy the benefits of replicants and treat them as tools.
However, they cannot tolerate the flaws that come with replicants, leading to a forceful eradication. This illustrates that humans possess more flaws than replicants. It suggests that one day, humans may also face extinction due to certain circumstances, just like replicants.
I think Cheng Nuo is an android because of his initial programming. That's why his mother takes his achievements for granted. His mother dedicates all her energy to her work in order to find a way to eliminate the initial obsession of androids, so that Cheng Nuo and other androids won't be taken away anymore.
However, the minister is a bad person and doesn't want that. That's why his mother is harmed.