Plot Synopsis
The story revolves around two main characters, a man and a woman, who come from different timeperiods, 2023 and 2053, due to a time-space anomaly. They meet and embark on a series of comedic and heartwarming adventures.
Just before their college graduation, Ye Fan musters upthe courage to confess his long-standing love for Tao Tao. However, Tao Tao unexpectedly dies in a car accident, leaving the two of them separated by life and death. While sorting through Tao Tao's belongings, Ye Fan stumbles upon her old cellphone by a twist of fate. To his surprise, he discovers that thephonepossesses the ability to connect with thepast. Determined to save Tao Tao, Ye Fan decides to embark on a time-travel rescue mission.
Where to Watch "I've Been to Your Future"
TencentVideo SubscriptionEpisodes Recap
- 1-4
- 5-8
- 9-12
- 13-16
- 17-20
- 21-
Dramas of this genre usually don't involve only the male protagonist time-traveling; instead, it is common for both the male and female leads to travel through time to seek redemption. For instance, the female lead may also make a phone call to the present-time female lead from a future point in time. This explains why the female lead's attitude suddenly changes towards the male lead and why she ends up being with someone else. Currently, the story is presented from the male lead's perspective, but later on, there will be scenes from the female lead's perspective as well.
It's somewhat reminiscent of the old Orange Game featuring Yi Yangqianxi (Jackson Yee). The female protagonist travels back in time to save the male protagonist, and once he survives, he then travels back in time to save her.
This cycle continues, but eventually, the two of them break up... I'm looking forward to this drama; I quite enjoy this type of storyline.