Interlaced Scenes

Plot Synopsis

"Interlaced Scenes" is based on the novel of the same name by Japanese author Kiyoshi Matsumoto. It tells the story of Detective Jiang Guang Ming (played by Ma Yi Li) and Shi Luo (played by Gao Zhi Ting) who, while investigating a case, coincidentally discover that the crime scene depicted in the novel by writer Gu Ji Ming (played by Tong Da Wei) mysteriously aligns with the actual crime scene they are investigating.

As fiction and reality intertwine, the appearance of the novelprovides a new direction for their investigation but also leads them into a deeper labyrinth. With cases within cases and mysteries within mysteries, the question remains: Who is the elusive mastermind behind the scenes?

Where to Watch "Interlaced Scenes"

iQIYI (Subscription)

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Jiang Na

Jiang Na
(Zheng Shui Jing)

Tang Xun

Tang Xun
(Wang Jing Song)

Gu Ji Ming

Gu Ji Ming
(Tong Da Wei)

Shi Luo

Shi Luo
(Gao Zhi Ting)