Plot Synopsis
"Yi Wen Cun Dang" tells the story of aperpetually minor character who is dissatisfied with her tragic fate of always dying in the first scene. She travels back and forth between reality and fiction, rewriting theplot over and over again in order to survive until the last episode.
Wei Wei, aperennial supporting actress,played the vicious female supporting role Xu Siyan in "FallingPear Tale" for a whole three episodes, which was thepeak of her acting career. She gathered her family and friends to watch thepremiere, but in the first scene of the first episode, Wei Wei was executed by the Grand Eunuch Jiang Yu. Wei Wei angrily questioned theproducer, who arrogantly replied that everything was for the sake of the lead actress Dai Yao's character design. Wei Wei fainted in anger and accidentally discovered that she could travel back and forth between the drama and reality whenever she fell asleep. The vicious female supporting role Xu Siyan climbed out of the dry well in thepalace, vowing to live a long life and control her own destiny!
Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-14