Parallel World

Plot Synopsis

"Parallel World" is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Wei Yu. The desolate region of LopNur, known as the "Sea of Death," hides a great secret from the era of Emperor Han Wu. The ancient YumenPass, which has long been weathered into sand, takes form during midnight sandstorms and grantspassage to certain special "individuals."

"Desert Rose" Ye Liu Xi and "Clever and Brave Sand Tracker" Chang Dong, one searching to uncover the mystery of their identity and the other unraveling the truth of thepast, join forces to venture deepinto the fantastical world.

The heart of the desert is fraught with danger, as if an invisible hand ispulling them into the weathered YumenPass. The two navigate between various forces, deducing the truth amidst numerous enigmas, and come to understand true love through repeated trials of life and death. The truth seems within reach, but they find themselves entangled in an even greater conspiracy.

Episodes Recap

  • 1-5
  • 6-10
  • 11-15
  • 16-20
  • 21-25
  • 26-30
  • 31-35
  • 36-38

Cast & Role

Gao Shen

Gao Shen
(Li Yun Rui)

Long Zhi

Long Zhi
(Meng Zi Yi)

Chang Dong

Chang Dong
(Bai Yu)

Jiang Zhan

Jiang Zhan
(Jin Han)