Plot Synopsis
"Weaving a Tale of Love Season 2" is adapted from the novel "The Moon in the Great Tang Dynasty" by Lan Yunshu. It tells the story of Kudi Luli andPei Xingjian, who harmoniously live their married life. However,Pei Xingjian is later demoted. Luli accompanies her husband as they travel to the distant WesteState for his new appointment, where they encounter the localprince, Qu Chongyu.
After their marriage, Kudi Luli andPei Xingjian live in harmony, supporting each other.Princess Dachang continuously schemes to make things difficult for them, but Luli cleverly handles the situations and successfully averts the dangers. Eventually,Pei Xingjian is demoted, and Luli accompanies her husband to the WesteState, where they meet Qu Chongyu, the localprince. Qu Chongyu initially regards them with suspicion due to their sudden arrival, and secretly becomes their adversary, frequently setting traps for them. However, with their combined wisdom, integrity, and dedication to thepeople, Luli andPei Xingjian overcome the crises and eventually touch Qu Chongyu's heart.
The three of them become close friends and work together to stabilize the local community, foster economic development, and uplift thepeople's livelihoods. Meanwhile, Su Haizheng, the then governor of Anxi, colludes with his son Su Nanjin to falsely accusePei Xingjian of crimes in order to accumulate wealth and military achievements. Luli, in order to save her husband, rallies thepeople of the WesteState to write apetition letter, leading toPei Xingjian's release. However,Pei Xingjian and Qu Chongyu are framed by Su Nanjin for treason and detained in the governor's office. Luli astutely assesses the situation and manages topass on the information toPei Xingjian and Qu Chongyu.
In the end, they rescue thepeople of the WesteState from imminent danger and maintain regional stability. With Luli's talent in clothing making, she imparts her skills to thepeople of the WesteState, reducing their tax burden. With Luli's assistance, the region underPei Xingjian's jurisdiction becomesprosperous, and thepeople live inpeace and contentment. Luli andPei Xingjian's love withstands numerous challenges, and together they overcome various obstacles, creating a beautiful love story.
Where to Watch "Weaving a Tale of Love Season 2"
YOUKU (优酷) SubscriptionEpisodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 21-25
- 26-30
- 31-35
- 36-37
Episode 1 : Liu Li and Pei Xingjian are manipulated by others.
Episode 2 : Princess Dachang wants to frame Liuli.
Episode 3 : Coral was beaten and forced to ingest a mute drug.
Episode 4 : The Zhuang household collectively caused trouble with Liuli.
Episode 5 : Liuli swiftly reformed the backyard.
Episode 6 : Pei Xing Jian was deposed after opposing the establishment.
Episode 7 : Pei Xing Jian went to the Western Province alone, leaving behind Liu Li.
Episode 8 : Pei Xing Jian saved someone and was seen by Liu Li.
Episode 9 : Liuli encountered an accident and was thrown into a prison cell.
Episode 10 : Pei Xing Jian explained to Liuli the reason why he was going to the Western State.
Episode 11 : Pei Xing Jian was attacked late at night, and he continued his journey with Liuli
Episode 12 : Pei Xing Jian faced difficulties upon assuming his new position.
Episode 13 : Liu Li successfully became friends with Mirror Maiden.
Episode 14 : Pei Xing Jian learned that Sanjie had also brought the hemp paper but was stopped by Guo Chongyu
Episode 15 : Liuli faced a dangerous hostage situation.
Episode 16 : Pei Xing Jian dealt with a case of stolen livestock.
Episode 17 : Pei Xing Jian solved two cases with one move.
Episode 18 : Pei Xing Jian found himself in a dilemma due to tax collection.
Episode 19 : Pei Xing Jian was furious when he learned about the assassination attempt on Liu Li.
Episode 20 : Liu Li deceived Princess Dachang in Hedong Mansion.
Episode 21 : Pei Xing Jian successfully solved the Copper Buddha case.
Episode 22 : Pei Xing Jian was maliciously harassed by Su Nan Jin.
Episode 23 : Su Nanjin's hypocrisy was exposed.
Episode 24 : The Liuli Gang helped Yunyi retrieve her father's bracelet.
Episode 25 : Pei Xing Jian was framed, and Liu Li schemed and plotted.
Episode 26 : Pei Xing Jian finally returned safely.
Episode 27 : "Liu Li is critically ill and her condition is deteriorating rapidly.
Episode 28 : Pei Xing Jian took good care of Liuli.
Episode 29 : Yun Yi and Ai Chongyu's love affair was set.
Episode 30 : Liu Li faced criticism due to her lack of an heir.
Episode 31 : Su Nanjin seeks to marry Zhang Minniang.
Episode 32 : Pei Xing Jian sought alternative ways to procure military provisions.
Episode 33 : Su Hai Zheng intentionally framed Pei Xing Jian.
Episode 34 : Sunan Jin intentionally trapped the city of Xizhou.
Episode 35 : "Liuli took a different approach to deliver the message.
Cast & Role
Ku Di Liu Li
(Gu Li Na Zha)
Wang Jun Meng
(Zhang Tao)
Ashina Yunyi
(Zeng Yi Xuan)
Pei Xing Jian
(Xu Wei Zhou)
The storyline has become even more captivating after leaving Chang'an! Without the one-dimensional villains like Princess Dachang, the characters have become more well-rounded, and the interactions between them have become more intriguing.
Both the male and female leads, as well as the rest of the cast, deliver excellent performances. The plot itself is rich and layered, surpassing the first season by a great margin.