Plot Synopsis
In theirpast lives, the sisters Man Zhu and Sha Hua were renowned as the twin beauties of the divine realm. During a calamity, Man Zhu suffered a backlash, and in an attempt to save her, Sha Hua encountered a heavenly tribulation. Ignoring thepain of backlash, Man Zhu went to rescue Sha Hua. Witnessing her sister's suffering, Sha Hua decided to sacrifice herself. Touched by the deepbond between the two sisters, the deities decided to grant them an opportunity to reunite when the Apsara flowers bloom on the other shore, but they made apact to "not recognize each other" during their meeting.
Man Zhu waited and waited until she finally encountered the lost memory of Sha Hua in the mortal realm. However, Sha Hua had become a mortal named Qian Xia, working as the chief constable of thePure Evil Department. Coinciding with Man Zhu's appearance, a legend spread throughout the bustling city of Guangling. It spoke of aplace called Huan Jing Ge, owned by a mysterious woman in red. It was said that as long as you had a wish, she could helpyou fulfill it. Theprice for granting wishes was to exchange your "one thought" with her. Qian Xia became entangled in this investigation whilepursuing a murder case, embarking on a journey to solve the mystery with the alluring innkeeper, Man Zhu.
Episodes Recap
- 1-4
- 5-8
- 9-12
- 13-16
Episode 1 : "The Scarlet Mermaid (Part 1).
Episode 2 : Mermaid in Blood (Chinese).
Episode 3 : "Mermaid in Blood (Part 2)."
Episode 4 : Green Collar
Episode 5 : Revenge of the Doll (Part 1).
Episode 6 : Revenge's Doll (Part 2).
Episode 7 : Revenge Doll (Part 2).
Episode 8 : The Fox Fairy: Painting Skin (Part 1).
Cast & Role
Dong Er
(Luo Yu)
Xiao Lin Er
(Yang Jin Jie)
Shang Guan Jing
(Yang Tian)
Du Dan Niang
(Guo Ming Yuan)
From episodes 1 to 9, I don't understand the role of Jingxie Si. To uncover the truth, they need to lead Jingxie Si to the Illusion Mirror Pavilion and make the pavilion's master reveal the cause and process of the events.
Jingxie Si seemed insignificant in the beginning, like a bystander. I think the Illusion Mirror Pavilion has the potential for a captivating storyline, but unfortunately, due to its short length, the overall viewing experience suffers, sometimes leaving a sense of unfinished satisfaction.
They tried to tell a good little story in just three episodes, but the subject matter lacked compelling elements. I feel that the short duration hindered its storytelling ability.