Plot Synopsis
In the early years of the Republic of China, mysterious deaths kept occurring in a secluded town called Taoyuan. Van Wujiu, a member of the Defense Brigade, repeatedly rushed to the scenes of death to investigate, only to miss the truth every time. Van Wujiu understood that there must be another reason behind it, but faced numerous obstacles in solving the case. Until one day, an outsider "demon woman" intruded into the forbidden area...
Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-18
Episode 1 : Fan Wu Jiu discovered something suspicious about Wang Hai's death.
Episode 2 : Fan Wu Jiu accidentally wandered into the Enchanting Forest.
Episode 3 : Xie Ping An accidentally entered the Peach Blossom Village.
Episode 4 : Brother Bao and Fan Wu Jiu collaborated to investigate the death of Wang Hai.
Episode 5 : Xie Ping An failed to escape.
Episode 6 : Xie Ping An was exposed as an outsider by Meng Po.
Episode 7 : Xie Ping An was suspected by the villagers.
Episode 8 : Meng Po's soul-calling scared away.
Episode 9 : "Wang Hai's body was stolen.
Episode 10 : "Wang Zhu Shi's mysterious death again.
Episode 11 : Wang Zhu committed suicide out of love.
Episode 12 : Wang Hai was falsely accused of disrupting the magic formation.
Episode 13 : Fan Wu Jiu was identified as the murderer.
Episode 14 : Fan Wu Jiu took the initiative to embrace Xie Ping An in his arms.
Episode 16 : Fan Wu Jiu escaped from the Enchanted Forest and encountered another trap.
Cast & Role
Fan Wu Jiu
(Xu Ding)
Xie Ping An
(Qian Si Yi)
I remember back in my sophomore year, my dorm buddies and I made a bet. They promised to give me 100 yuan each if I could win over the campus beauty. So, I put on a convincing act of falling head over heels for her.
It felt so real that I forgot it was all a bet. I actually fell in love with her. After two weeks, she agreed to be with me, and I also won 300 yuan. But every day, I worried that if she found out about my initial intentions, she would break up with me.
Finally, one day, the truth was revealed, and I was in a complete panic. But she just smiled and said, "Silly, I was the one who put up the 300 yuan.