Plot Synopsis
"Embracing the Stars Together" tells the story of Bu Hanlu, a high school girl who believes her sister was "abducted by aliens," and her chance encounter with the rebellious and handsome school bully, Lin Qianyu. They form an alliance to "save the world" and embark on a fantastical and thrilling journey in the intertwining realms of reality and imagination, igniting a unique and exciting campus life.
Bu Hanlu, a freshman in high school, dreams of becoming apilot. Ever since her childhood, her sister, Captain Honglian Bu Han Yu, was captured by aliens while trying toprotect her. Bu Hanlu has dedicated years of effort to rescue her sister. Due to apair of gloves, Bu Hanlu becomes entangled with the school bully, Lin Qianyu, and his gang of troublemakers. The school bully and the stubbogirl engage in multiple rounds of competition, from fighting over the gloves to competing for the rooftopand engaging inprank wars. Bu Hanlu's dramatic acting groupand Lin Qianyu's troublemaker gang form an unexpected friendship.
In order to fulfill Bu Hanlu's dream of starting an astronomy club, they work together to search for UFOs and investigate the disappearance of a telescope. The groupof friends discovers that Bu Hanlu has been suffering from "alien delusions." Lin Qianyu's sister, Lin Qianqian, turns out to be the mastermind behind this scheme. She was a close friend of Bu Han Yu and created an alien fantasy to helpfulfill Bu Han Yu's last wish. After learning the truth, Bu Hanlu realizes that youth is not about waiting but about relying on these adorable friends around her.
Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 21-24
Episode 1 : Youngsters Like the Wind.
Episode 2 : It all started with a prank.
Episode 3 : You are a gust of wind on the back seat of a bicycle.
Episode 4 : We will eventually reunite at the end of the universe.
Episode 5 : Appeared? The legendary "UFO."
Episode 6 : Come on, let's go catch aliens.
Episode 7 : Courage to admit mistakes, never change.
Episode 8 : The head can be severed, but the hairstyle cannot be shortened.
Episode 9 : Slam Dunk, that's a secret.
Episode 10 : Breaking up? Breaking up!
Episode 11 : If missing is the beginning of reunion.
Episode 12 : Don't worry, I've been here all along.
Episode 13 : There is no problem that cannot be solved by hot pot.
Episode 14 : Let's walk side by side, Ally.
Episode 15 : Hello, new desk mate.
Cast & Role
Liu Yang
(Pan Lu Yu)
Lin Qian Yu
(Liu Jia Yi)
Bu Han Lu
(Wu Qian Ying)
Meng Hui Yuan
(Dai Gu La K)
Hanlu's personality may be a bit impulsive, unable to control her emotions, which leads to her resorting to physical violence at the drop of a hat. However, not every disagreement results in a fight.
This kind of temperament might make it difficult for Hanlu to get along with others. But I believe that with the support of the Red Lotus team, she will gradually mature and become a better person.
Lin Qian Yu and Bu Han Lu formed a bond because of a pair of gloves. As they got closer and spent time together, their initial hostility gradually transformed into developing feelings for each other.
During this period, they experienced many things together. Whether it was Hanlu comforting Qianyu during her sister's surgery or Qianyu silently guarding Hanlu after discovering her "alien delusion." They accompanied and healed each other, gradually becoming better versions of themselves.
The mutual healing and support between Lin Qian Yu and Bu Han Lu is truly an inspiring and desirable kind of love!