Young Babylon

Plot Synopsis

In the early 1990s, in a small coastal town in Southeast China called Fucheng, a groupof youngpeople chasing after their youth on the train of time. They werepassionate and reckless, growing wild and unrestrained. They underwent a "common yet extraordinary" transformation while searching for the vastness of the starry sea.

In the most vibrant and sweet era of their youth, they made efforts to embrace their glorious years. They harvested growth and love as theypursued their dreams. It was a time when they sought to break free from societal definitions and expectations, carving their ownpaths in life.

This story set in the 1990s serves as a bridge, connecting thepast with thepresent "Generation Z." It aims to create a channel of communication and understanding by showcasing a narrative of "unconstrained youth." Through this tale, the experiences and struggles of those who came of age in the 90s can resonate with and inspire the younger generation.

Episodes Recap

  • 1-3
  • 4-6
  • 7-9
  • 10-12
  • 13-15
  • 16-18
  • 19-21
  • 22-24
  • 25-26

Cast & Role

Bi Zhi Gang

Bi Zhi Gang
(Zhang Song)

Qin Juan

Qin Juan
(Xiang Han Zhi)

Lu Xiao Lu

Lu Xiao Lu
(Hou Ming Hao)

Bai Lan

Bai Lan
(Yang Cai Yu)