Dear Contract Boyfriend

Plot Synopsis

An extraterrestrial being, a "human-machine hybrid," accidentally crash-lands on Earth and encounters a seemingly calm and meticulous yet secretly eccentric and obsessed-with-idol-dramas IT genius girl. During their cohabitation, they embark on a hilarious, heartwarming, and healing romantic love story.

ITprodigy Xiao Ma Que stumbles upon the handsome extraterrestrial Jin Mu Lai by chance, and due to a series of coincidences, they end upliving together. While Xiao Ma Queportrays herself as aprogrammer, in reality, she is a silly girl who adores idol dramas. Upon discovering Jin Mu Lai'sprogramming abilities, she attempts to transform him into the CEO or warm-hearted male lead from her favorite idol dramas, hoping to immerse herself in a drama-like experience. Amidst the onslaught of dramatized scenarios, the seed of love quietly blossoms between the two.

Where to Watch "Dear Contract Boyfriend"

WeTV (Subscription)TencentVideo (Subscription)

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Xiao Ma Que
(Bao Chen Xi)

Jin Mu Lai
(Qi Pei Xin)