Plot Synopsis
Ma Zhuo, a girl from Sichuan, and Xia Ze, a boy, are childhood sweethearts who face a major upheaval in their families, unexpectedly becoming the "daughter of the victim" and the "son of the suspect." They go through hardships together, seeking the truth and finding redemption in their complicated and changing reality.
At the age of 8, Ma Zhuo is brought by her mother, Lin Guoguo, to live in Linjiang. There, she meets Xia Ze, the older brother of their neighbors, and they become childhood friends, gradually developing romantic feelings for each other. After graduating from high school, despite theirparents' objections and the distance between them, they defy the odds andpromise to be together forever. However, tragedy strikes when Ma Zhuo's mother, Lin Guoguo, suddenlypasses away, and Xia Ze's father, Xia Gang, becomes theprime suspect in her death, going missing without a trace. Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze's identities shift from lovers to the "daughter of the victim" and the "son of the suspect," leading them topainfully and resolutely break up.
Several years later, Ma Zhuo, who has become an outstanding lawyer, returns to Linjiang and reunites with Xia Ze. Together, they embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind theirparents'past while facing danger and obstacles. Along the way, they also become entangled in a heartbreaking on-and-off relationship.
Where to Watch "The Farewell Song"
iQIYI (Subscription)Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 21-24
Episode 1 : Memoirs of Ma ZhuoXia Ze.
Episode 2 : Ma Zhuo comforted Xia Ze.
Episode 3 : Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze became siblings.
Episode 4 : Ma Zhuo recalls her childhood memories.
Episode 5 : Ma Zhuo met Xia Ze.
Episode 6 : Ma Zhuo's mother was murdered.
Episode 7 : Xiao Zhe warned Xia Ze.
Episode 8 : The relationship between Xia ZeMa and Zhuo is easing.
Episode 9 : Ma Zhuo rejected Xiao Zhe's confession.
Episode 10 : Mo Li wants to commit suicide.
Episode 11 : Mo Li committed suicide, and Yu An Duo hates Ma Zhuo.
Episode 12 : Ma Zhuo and Xia Ze's Reunion
Episode 13 : The police discovered the body of Xia Gang.
Episode 14 : Xia Ze and Ma Zhuo investigated the hidden dagger together.
Episode 15 : Here are some additional details about the story:
Cast & Role
Xiao Zhe
(Cui Yu Xin)
Xia Ze
(Zhou Cheng Ao)
Ma Zhuo
(Li Ting Ting)
Yu An Duo
(Mi Mi)