She and Her Girls

Plot Synopsis

"She and Her Girls" tells the story of young men and women from unknown backgrounds during a tumultuous era, exploring their fates and emotional journeys amidst significant societal changes.

Zhang Guimei is an ordinary female teacher at a secondary school in the mountainous regions of westeChina. Over the years, she has witnessed many of her female students dropping out of school due topoverty, often marrying or working at the young ages of 15 or 16. This deeplypains and saddens her. Determined to make a difference, she vowed to establish a fully free girls' high school toprovide these girls with educational opportunities, enabling them to attend university and escape the mountains, thus changing their destinies.

In 2008, the only fully free girls' high school in China was established. Facing numerous challenges—such as a lack of teachers, students, funding, and experience—Zhang Guimei led her students and staff to achieve the seemingly impossible: all of the academically disadvantaged students were able to gain admission to university. This girls' high school has helped numerous girls leave the mountains and transform their lives. However, as the school grew, more impoverished girls from the mountains sought admission, bringing newproblems and challenges in its wake.

Where to Watch "She and Her Girls"

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Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Xia Tian

Xia Tian
(Huang Wei De)

Xia Yun

Xia Yun
(Rao Min Li)

Xia Zhen Zhong

Xia Zhen Zhong
(Zhao Yan Song)

Liu Min Zhi

Liu Min Zhi
(Yan Xiao Pin)