In Between

Plot Synopsis

"In Between" is adapted from the novel "There Are No Good Men or Women Here." Through a series of dramatic twists and turns, it explores how today's youth face the challenges of love, friendship, and life within a complex and ever-changing urban environment, highlighting their growth and transformation along the way.

Theplot centers around severalprotagonists who, in theirpursuit of love and self-fulfillment, encounter various hardships and trials, ultimately achievingpersonal growth and metamorphosis.

With its uniqueperspective andprofound social insights, "In Between" reveals the true state of contemporary youth in matters of love and life. The characters' experiences reflect the common issues andpsychological changes faced by youngpeople in modeurban settings.

Where to Watch "In Between"

YOUKU (优酷) (Subscription)

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Han Su

Han Su
(Zhou Yu Tong)

Zeng Cheng

Zeng Cheng
(Dong Jie)

Wang Zi Lu

Wang Zi Lu
(Hou Wen Yuan)

Zhou Bin

Zhou Bin
(Yuan Wen Kang)