Go Back Lover

Plot Synopsis

Ten years after theirpainful breakup, Shen Xing Ruo and Lu Xing Yan find themselves reunited on the reality show "Go Back Lover." As "exes," they embark on a journey of confronting theirpast and exploring thepossibility of rekindling their love.

Memories of their oncepassionate relationshipresurface, filled with both sweetness and bitterness. However, time has brought maturity and understanding, allowing them to see each other in a new light. Their shared experiences on the show lead them to a deeper appreciation for one another and a renewed connection.

The show also features other couples, Chen Zhu and Xu Cheng Zhou, and Shi Qin and He Si Yue, who navigate their own complex relationships through the challenges of the reality show. They leavaluable lessons about themselves and theirpartners, gaining the courage to love and be loved in return.

As the showprogresses, emotions intensify and bonds deepen. The couples face difficult decisions and confront their deepest fears. Will they choose to move forward together or let go of thepast?

Go Back Lover is a heartwarming and thought-provoking exploration of love, loss, and second chances. It delves into the complexities of human relationships and the transformativepower of self-discovery.

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

He Ming
(Ding Jing Yi)

Yang Tian Jiao
(Zhao Shi Yi)

Pei Yue
(Hao Wen Ting)

Huang Bing
(Bu Yu Xin)