Plot Synopsis
"Heir to the Throne" is a masterpiece that delves deepinto thepower struggles within theprestigious Qiu family. In this work, the Qiu family, which has always adhered to the tradition of favoring male heirs over female, is thrown into a grandpower struggle when the familypatriarch falls into a coma due to illness, triggering a series of dramatic events fueled by apower of attorney.
Originally, the Qiu family's assets were supposed to be smoothly inherited by the only male grandson of the third generation, Qiu Zhibin (played by Luo Ziyi). However, the sudden stroke and coma of the elderly Qiupatriarch disrupt this established order.
What is shocking is that before falling into a coma, the Qiupatriarchpersonally signed apower of attorney, unexpectedly transferring theposition of chairman to his eldest granddaughter, Qiu Hao'er (played by Charmaine Sheh). This decision not only breaks the tradition of malepreference in the Qiu family but alsoplaces Qiu Hao'er at the center of the family'spower struggle. She must face various challenges and doubts from within the family while striving to maintain stability and development within the family.
Thispower of attorney doesn't directlypropel Qiu Hao'er to thepinnacle ofpower; instead, it immerses her in a complex and cruelpower struggle. She must rely on her wisdom, courage, andperseverance to navigate through intricate situations and relationships, fighting for herposition and recognition within the family.
Episodes Recap
- 1-4
- 5-8
- 9-12
- 13-16
- 17-20
- 21-24
- 25-28
- 29-30
Episode 1 : Qiu Hao Er manages the company on behalf of his grandfather.
Episode 2 : Qiu Hao Er was framed by Qiu Zhi Bin.
Episode 3 : Qiu Hao Er dealt with the casino matter.
Episode 4 : Qiu Zhi Bin learned about his background.
Episode 5 : Hao Er knows about Qiu Zhi Bin's background.
Episode 6 : The reason for the principal's commission is Hao Er.
Episode 7 : Qiu Hao Er agreed to the casino project.
Episode 8 : There are problems with the casino project.
Episode 9 : Ai Ping threatened to kill Zhu Li Qi.
Episode 10 : Zhu Li Qi is cleared of the suspicion of murder.
Episode 11 : The police and fire department are investigating the fire.
Episode 12 : Grandfather woke up and was transferred to another hospital by Zhi Bin.
Episode 13 : Qiu Hanyang passed away, and Hao'er is heartbroken.
Episode 14 : Hao Er was sentenced to six weeks of imprisonment.
Episode 15 : Qiu Zhi Bin is the son of Gao Cheng.
Episode 16 : Qiu Hao Er was released from prison and returned to the workplace.
Episode 17 : Qiu Zhi Lan found her biological father.
Episode 18 : A body of Qiu Zhi Lan was found on the beach.
Episode 19 : Uncle told Zhu Li Qi the truth.
Episode 20 : Ricky set a trap for Dai Qi Ting.
Episode 21 : Qiqi knows that Ma Xiaolin is pregnant.
Episode 22 : Qiu Hao Er becomes the CEO.
Episode 23 : The Past of Zhu Li Qi Has Been Exposed
Episode 24 : Qiu Zhi Bin has mortgaged his own shares.
Cast & Role
Qiu Han Yang
(Liu Jiang)
Elderly Qiu patriarch
(Liu Jiang)
Liu Sir
(Liu Hao Long)
(Liang Nuo Yan)