The Heir to the Throne

Plot Synopsis

"Heir to the Throne" is a masterpiece that delves deepinto thepower struggles within theprestigious Qiu family. In this work, the Qiu family, which has always adhered to the tradition of favoring male heirs over female, is thrown into a grandpower struggle when the familypatriarch falls into a coma due to illness, triggering a series of dramatic events fueled by apower of attorney.

Originally, the Qiu family's assets were supposed to be smoothly inherited by the only male grandson of the third generation, Qiu Zhibin (played by Luo Ziyi). However, the sudden stroke and coma of the elderly Qiupatriarch disrupt this established order.

What is shocking is that before falling into a coma, the Qiupatriarchpersonally signed apower of attorney, unexpectedly transferring theposition of chairman to his eldest granddaughter, Qiu Hao'er (played by Charmaine Sheh). This decision not only breaks the tradition of malepreference in the Qiu family but alsoplaces Qiu Hao'er at the center of the family'spower struggle. She must face various challenges and doubts from within the family while striving to maintain stability and development within the family.

Thispower of attorney doesn't directlypropel Qiu Hao'er to thepinnacle ofpower; instead, it immerses her in a complex and cruelpower struggle. She must rely on her wisdom, courage, andperseverance to navigate through intricate situations and relationships, fighting for herposition and recognition within the family.

Where to Watch "The Heir to the Throne"

TVBAnywhere NA FreeYOUKU (优酷) (Subscription)

Episodes Recap

  • 1-4
  • 5-8
  • 9-12
  • 13-16
  • 17-20
  • 21-24
  • 25-28
  • 29-30

Cast & Role

Qiu Han Yang
(Liu Jiang)

Elderly Qiu patriarch
(Liu Jiang)

Liu Sir
(Liu Hao Long)

(Liang Nuo Yan)