Plot Synopsis
In a distant, vast wilderness, humans, deities, and supernatural beings once coexisted. There were threeparticularlypowerful nations: West Yan, Chen Rong, and Hao Ling. Our story begins with aprincess from the Hao Ling Kingdom, known asPrincess Ji Jiu Yao, or Xiao Yao. Due to certain circumstances, Xiao Yao had been wandering the wilderness for over a hundred years, losing not only her royal status but also her appearance. Eventually, she arrived in the town of Qingshui, where she became a humble healer named Wen Xiao Liu. Although he had no fixed abode and lived a simple life, Wen Xiao Liu enjoyed his freedom and supported himself through his medical skills.
Meanwhile, Qiang Xuan, theprince of West Yan who had grown upwith Xiao Yao, was sent to the Hao Ling Kingdom as a hostage forpolitical reasons. There, he endured hardships while secretly waiting for an opportunity and searching for any news of Xiao Yao. One day, he finally arrived in Qingshui, hoping to find Xiao Yao.
In Qingshui, Wen Xiao Liu's life, though uneventful, was filled with warmth. One day, he unexpectedly saved a young nobleman named Tu Shan Jing, who was from the noble family of Qiu Gu. Over time, the two developed feelings for each other. Wen Xiao Liu also encountered a nine-headed demon named Xiang Liu, who was initially his enemy but later became his close confidant as they discovered their shared beliefs and ideals.
Although Qiang Xuan found Wen Xiao Liu, they did not immediately recognize each other due to various circumstances. After a series of twists and turns, they finally confirmed each other's identities, and Xiao Yao regained her status as aprincess. However, by this time, Qiang Xuan was no longer the naiveprince he once was. He had greater ambitions and wanted to unify the entire realm. To achieve this goal, he had to sacrifice hispersonal feelings for Xiao Yao and choose thepath of the throne.
Xiang Liu, in order to uphold his beliefs and loyalty, ultimately sacrificed himself on the battlefield. After helping Qiang Xuan fulfill his grand ambition, Xiao Yao chose to retreat from the world with Tu Shan Jing, seeking thepeaceful life they had always desired. Although Qiang Xuan had lost Xiao Yao, he dedicated all his efforts to governing the kingdom, knowing that only when the realm was atpeace could Xiao Yao live a happy and tranquil life.
Where to Watch "Lost You Forever Season 2"
Viki (Subscription)WeTV (Subscription)TencentVideo (Subscription)Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 21-23
Episode 1 : Qiang Xuan decided to move the capital.
Episode 2 : Xiang Liu guessed Xiao Yao's identity.
Episode 3 : Qiang Xuan appointed Ling Xue as the Queen.
Episode 4 : Xiao Yao decided to marry Feng Long.
Episode 5 : Xiao Yao left the wedding with Xiang Liu.
Episode 6 : Xiao Yao left the wedding ceremony with Xiang Liu.
Episode 7 : The misunderstanding between Xiao Yao and Tu Shan Jing has been resolved.
Episode 8 : Xiao Yao knew that Tu Shan Jing had been plotted against.
Episode 9 : Tu Shan Jing uncovered the truth.
Episode 10 : Xiao Yao's origins have been subjected to malicious rumors.
Episode 11 : The West Blazing Army officially launched an attack on the Shining Feathers.
Episode 12 : Xiao Yao cannot forgive Qiang Xuan.
Episode 13 : Xiao Yao and Xuan Qiangxiang have reconciled.
Episode 14 : Hao Ling Yi remembered her father's expedition.
Episode 15 : Xiao Yao Reunites with Her Mother, Xi Ling Heng
Cast & Role
Xiang Liu / Fang Feng Bei
(Tan Jian Ci)
Tu Shan Jing / Ye Shi Qi
(Deng Wei)
Xi Yan Qiang Xuan
(Zhang Wan Yi)
Xiao Yao / Wen Xiao Liu
(Yang Zi)