Forensic Heroes Season 6

Plot Synopsis

"Forensic Heroes Season 6" follows the investigations of a three-person team comprising Yu Xing Bai, a senior forensic scientist, Jing Hao Ran, a seasoned homicide detective, and FanPei Qing, a senior medical examiner.

As they confront a series of complex andperplexing cases, the team utilizes scientific methods to meticulously unravel the mysteries and uncover the truth. Faced with intricate and baffling cases, how will the trio of Yu Xing Bai (portrayed by Huang Zong Ze), Jing Hao Ran (portrayed by Yuan Wei Hao), and FanPei Qing (portrayed by Cai Jie) systematicallypeel back the layers to reveal the facts and find the truth?

All the while, they must navigate the treacherous web of clues. When confronted with life-and-death situations, how will they steadfastly uphold theirprinciples and complete the redemption of both themselves and others? All the answers will be unveiled in this season of the show.

Where to Watch "Forensic Heroes Season 6"

YOUKU (优酷) (Subscription)

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Li Zong Ting
(Chen Shao Bang)

Tao Zhao Ming
(Lin Sheng Bin)

Ling Shi Hui
(Zhao Bi Yu)

Hua Yue Sheng
(Huang Zi Heng)