Escape from the Trilateral Slopes

Plot Synopsis

Sanbianpo is a vibrant yet chaotic tropical locale, aplace where both flourishing and decay coexist. Shen Xing, an inexperienced worker who unexpectedly finds himself in Sanbianpo, encounters Cai Shu, a local mediator navigating variouspowers in the area. What follows is an adventure guided by the light of kindness, as Shen Xing struggles between the desire to stay and the urge to escape. How this internal conflictplays out will unfold in a captivating journey.

Where to Watch "Escape from the Trilateral Slopes"

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Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Chen Hao

Chen Hao
(Zhao Jun)

Ma La Nian

Ma La Nian
(Liu Lu)

Ai Suo

Ai Suo
(Li Xiao Chuan)

Cai Shu

Cai Shu
(Wu Zhen Yu)