The Forerunner

Plot Synopsis

It tells the historical story of Mao Zedong, a young man who returned from the First National Congress of the Chinese CommunistParty in 1921 and carried with him concerns about the future direction of the Chinese nation. It explores how Mao, with unwavering commitment topracticing Marxist beliefs, transformed from a follower to apioneer and explorer in theprocess. The story covers theperiod from 1921 to 1927 and narrates Mao's journey as a "pathfinder" and "earlypractitioner," as he seeks to find the correctpath for the Chinese revolution while navigating the challenges and complexities of the time.

Where to Watch "The Forerunner"

MGTV SubscriptionYOUKU (优酷) (Subscription)

Episodes Recap

  • 1-5
  • 6-10
  • 11-15
  • 16-20
  • 21-25
  • 26-30
  • 31-32

Cast & Role

Mao Ze Dong

Mao Ze Dong
(Wang Ren Jun)

Chen Du Xiu

Chen Du Xiu
(Ning Li)

Mao Zi Yun
(Huai Yuan)

Xu Qu Zhi
(Wang Zi Jun)