Plot Synopsis
The story revolves around Meimei, a junior covert agent of the Yu Dynasty, and Leng Moyan, an assistant in the Inspection Bureau. Together, they uncover a series of crimes that threaten the stability of the nation. Eventually, they discover the truth behind these crimes and realize their deeplove for each other.
Meimei, a young covert agent in the Yu Dynasty, dreams of attaining higher ranks and betterpay to achieve marital freedom. A mysterious murder occurs in thepalace, resulting in the death of the emperor's beloved concubine. The emperor orders the Covert Agency and the Inspection Bureau to investigate the case separately. During the investigation, Meimei crossespaths with the cunning and treacherous Leng Moyan, an assistant in the Inspection Bureau. They harbor suspicions and distrust towards each other, hindering theirprogress and leading to chaotic and thrilling situations.
After experiencing life-and-death situations andproviding mutual support, they gradually begin to trust each other. With unwavering determination, they join forces to uncover the truth behind the crimes that threaten the nation's security and stability. As they engage in a battle of wits with the hidden mastermind, they simultaneously fall in love and become adversaries. In the end, they confirm that they are each other's true love for life.
Where to Watch "Marry Me, My Evil Lord"
iQIYI (Subscription)Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-19
Episode 1 : Mei Shi Qi unwittingly provoked the Black Star.
Episode 3 : Leng Sicong saved Mei and was heavily injured.
Episode 4 : Jointly capturing the real culprit with a calculated plan.
Episode 5 : Jing Wang's birthday banquet brings together old rivals.
Episode 6 : Unexpectedly, the bathroom incident provided a feast for the eyes.
Episode 7 : "Investigate the sachet, Intelligent Detective Furong Tower.
Episode 8 : On the night of the Qixi Festival, a secret meeting took place in the West Chamber.
Episode 9 : Framed and falsely released Leng Mo Yan.
Episode 10 : The madam of the night audit, Old Bao, is jealous of Mei Shi Qi.
Episode 11 : Kanzaki Kaede is infatuated with Mei Shiqi.
Episode 12 : The eunuch's cave breeds affection.
Episode 13 : Leng Mo Yan felt uncomfortable being stared at by Nan Gong Xiu, so he left first, causing Nan Gong Xiu to leave early as well
Episode 14 : Mei Shi Qi was assigned a lot of work and had to serve Leng Mo Yan, which made her very angry
Episode 15 : Leng Mo Yan flirted recklessly with Mei Shi Qi.
Episode 16 : Kanzaki Kaede used both soft and tough methods to win love.
Cast & Role
Zhen Shi San
(Bai Cheng Jun)
Jing Wang
(Wang Jia Ru)
Shen Gu Xiu Yi
(Liu Run Ming)
Shi Jian Chuan
(Su Zhen Hua)