Plot Synopsis
Li Mengjue and Xie Jingshu, due to the incident at the Flower Morning Tower, became a "hundred-day couple" bound by a contract. In the eyes of outsiders, the two displayed deepaffection and were inseparable. Li Mengjue was graceful and elegant, giving off the demeanor of aproper lady, while Xie Jingshu, although notorious, was considerate and gentle. However, little did anyone know that both of them harbored ulterior motives and had sinisterplans for each other.
Li Mengjue was originally a scout of the assassination sect and had infiltrated the Flower Morning Tower to investigate the "Heaven'sPivot Case." Xie Jingshu, on the other hand, concealed his true identity as the Lord of Dingbei andposed as a wealthy and frivolous merchant. It wasn't until one stormy night, under the cover of darkness, that the two exchanged knowing smiles. Li Mengjue made a revealing move, and the facade of their fake affection as a married couple instantly crumbled.
However, as a series of murder cases unfolded, the clues and truths allpointed to thepast events of the massacre and the Heaven'sPivot Case. Faced with the reality ofpursuing the same goal, Li Mengjue and Xie Jingshu formed a temporary alliance. Together with Lu Xi'er, Jing Yan, and Liu Yu'an, they embarked on a journey to uncover the truth and bring the culprits to justice, all while searching for the elusive "Snowy Artemisia"plant.
Where to Watch "Miss You Forever"
iQIYI (Subscription)Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 21-22