Love of Nirvana

Plot Synopsis

"Love of Nirvana" is a drama based on the novel of the same name by Xiao Lou. It tells the story of Xiao Wu Xia, the young lord of Moonfall City, who has been living incognito in Liang Kingdom for many years under the identity of Wei Zhao, bearing the stigma of a traitor.

Driven by the desire to uncover the truth behind his family's downfall, Wei Zhaoplans to kidnapJiang Ci, the sole survivor of that tragic event. However, his meticulousplan is thrown into disarray by the unexpected intervention of a girl named Jiang Ci. Meanwhile,Pei Yan seizes this opportunity to take the seriously injured Jiang Ci back to his mansion, determined to identify the culprit behind the sabotage.

As the story unfolds, Wei Zhao, initially motivated by revenge, finds his complex background and sense of responsibility for his country gradually influencing the innocent and straightforward Jiang Ci. Through their daily interactions, they discover each other's admirable qualities and developfeelings for one another.

Ultimately, Wei Zhao, Jiang Ci, andPei Yanput aside theirpast grievances and join forces to confront the tyrannical ruler of Liang Kingdom. They not onlyprotect Moonfall City but also achieve their ideal of creating a just world.

Episodes Recap

  • 1-4
  • 5-8
  • 9-12
  • 13-16
  • 17-20
  • 21-24
  • 25-28
  • 29-32
  • 33-36
  • 37-40

Cast & Role

Dong Juan

Dong Juan
(Cao Fei Ran)

Hong Jie

Hong Jie
(Yao Chi)

Rong Yu Die

Rong Yu Die
(Wen Zheng Rong)

Xie Che

Xie Che
(Zhang Feng Yi)