
Plot Synopsis

"Heroes" tells the legendary stories of the trials and tribulations of Tsinghua University and itsprominent figures from 1904 to 1964, spanning from the Boxer Indemnity to the launch of the atomic bomb. It showcases the spirit of Tsinghua, which embodies the motto "Heroes, gentlemen strive for self-improvement; the earth'sposition is receptive, gentlemen carry themselves with integrity and embrace all things."

In the late Qing Dynasty, society was in turmoil, and the Imperial Treasure Mapwas stolen, triggering apower struggle among various factions. Men San Dao, a royal guard, was assigned to recover the treasure mapand uncover the forces behind it. Meanwhile, a murder case occurred in Tianjin's Dagukou County, where none of the nine victims survived. Constable Wang Di Bao deduced that the culprit was from the Rongtian Ridge sect and embarked on a lonepursuit. Zhuo Bu Fan, the leader of Rongtian Ridge, joined forces withPrince Qi to seize the treasure, while Men San Dao and Wang Di Bao separatelypursued the treasure and the killer in Shanghai. The three individuals became entangled in the tide of history, embarking on a thrilling and intense confrontation.

Episodes Recap

  • 1-4
  • 5-8
  • 9-12
  • 13-16
  • 17-20
  • 21-24
  • 25-28
  • 29-32
  • 33-36

Cast & Role

Liu Lin

Liu Lin
(Huang Hao Yue)

Lin An Jing

Lin An Jing
(Chen Si Che)

Wang Di Bao

Wang Di Bao
(Pang Han Chen)

Wu Lan Shan

Wu Lan Shan
(Huang Meng Ying)