Darkside of the Moon

Plot Synopsis

Yu Man Yue, a seemingly glamorous and skilledpublic relations expert, hides a dark and tragicpast. Eighteen years ago, she and her sister were violated by the wealthy Jiang Ji Jun, leading to a devastating family upheaval. This experience fuels Man Yue's vow for revenge, and after eighteen years ofpatience, she finally infiltrates the Jiang family.

Darkside of the Moon delves into the high-stakes world ofpublic relations, showcasing the cunning battles fought within the upper echelons of business.

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Liu Yan Yu
(Lai Yan Yu)

Xie Hao Feng
(Liu Zhan Ting)

Jin Jing Xi
(Qin Qi Wei)

Mai Hao Yi
(Zhu Le Ming)