Plot Synopsis
Princess Yin Ruoshui (played by Li Muchen) is forced into apolitical marriage but suffers from the cruel abuse of the male lead Yu Wen Sheng (played by Deng Kai). She manages to escape at the cost of changing her appearance. However, the "Big Bad Wolf" quickly finds the "Little White Rabbit" with her new face. As they engage in a cat-and-mouse chase, they unexpectedly discover Yu Wen Sheng's genuine feelings for her. The story revolves around whether they can overcome their emotional barriers and reunite like a broken mirror.
Where to Watch "Broken the Heart"
TencentVideo SubscriptionEpisodes Recap
- 1-4
- 5-8
- 9-12
- 13-16
- 17-20
- 21-
The ending absolutely should not have been the male lead hurting her when he was the crown prince. I can understand him wanting to protect her, but when he became the general's wife, it was completely unnecessary and absurd. In real life, that's just twisted.
The female lead, as a princess, has responsibilities in her own country, even if she's not favored. It's okay for her not to seek revenge, but she should never be willing to forgive the male lead.