Happiness Jun Cao

Plot Synopsis

The core of the story focuses on theprotagonist, Li Zhang Huan (portrayed by the talented actor Guo Tao). As the team's leader, he not onlypossesses deepprofessional knowledge, but also harbors an infinite love for his work and a deepcompassion for humanity. Faced with the unique natural environment and cultural customs of a SouthPacific island nation, Li Zhang Huan leads his team to the frontlines, meticulously studying the local climate and vegetation, and designing the most suitable fungus cultivationplan for the area.

He and his team members, as well as the localpeople, work together tirelessly, with Li Zhang Huanpersonally teaching the cultivation techniques. Through sweat and wisdom, they cultivate lush, vibrant fungus fields.

In thisprocess, Li Zhang Huan's family life also becomes an indispensablepart of theplot. His two daughters, Li Zhi Wei and Li QianPing, initially struggle to understand and adapt to their father's overseas endeavors. But over time, they witness firsthand his efforts and sacrifices to helpothers and change the world. Ultimately, they come to deeply understand and inherit their father's ideals and beliefs, becoming independent and responsible youngpeople of the new era.

Where to Watch "Happiness Jun Cao"

MGTV (Subscription)TencentVideo (Subscription)

Episodes Recap

Cast & Role

Chen Xiao Lian

Chen Xiao Lian
(Liang Ai Qi)

Li Han

Li Han
(Meng A Sai)

Li Zhi Wei

Li Zhi Wei
(Chuai Ni)

Zheng Wei Long

Zheng Wei Long
(Han Dong)