Bank on Me

Plot Synopsis

"Qian Tu Wu Liang" Based on the novel "Qian Tu" by Tian Gan Tang, this story follows Lin Qiang (played by Bai Yu), the deputy director of the bank’s credit approval department. After refusing to sign off on aproblematic loan, he angers his superiors and is transferred to the struggling Longyuan branch. Utilizing his exceptionalprofessional skills, Lin Qiang assembles a team and fights against the odds to uphold theprinciples of the banking industry and defend the integrity of itspeople.

Originally the deputy general manager at Lianzong Bank's headquarters, Lin Qiang’s career takes a tuwhen he refuses to endorse a questionable loan, leading to his demotion. His close friend Zheng Shuai, who joined the bank at the same time, is also affected by the fallout.

The Longyuan branch isplagued by disorganization, but Lin Qiang quickly identifies its core issues and advocates for the tellers to secure their rightful benefits. Thisprovokes the branchpresident, Hao Wei, who applies relentlesspressure on Lin Qiang. Facing a career crisis, Lin Qiang begins to fight back, tracing the root of the loan issue. Ultimately, he clears uptheproblems and achieves hisprofessional aspirations.

Episodes Recap

  • 1-3
  • 4-6
  • 7-9
  • 10-12
  • 13-15
  • 16-18
  • 19-21
  • 22-24
  • 25-26

Cast & Role

Luo Sha

Luo Sha
(Wang Jia Jia)

Zheng Shuai

Zheng Shuai
(Wang You Jun)

Xing Li

Xing Li
(Dong Yong)

Chen Xing Yuan

Chen Xing Yuan
(Wang Zhi Fei)