
Plot Synopsis

"Alliance" is adapted from the novel "Double Happiness" by Lang Lang. It revolves around the intertwining of marriage and the workplace, focusing on the lives of urban women and reflecting their struggles, challenges, growth, and transformation. The story centers around theprotagonist Lin Shuang, who was once a topstudent at aprestigious university. After getting married, she quickly became a full-time mother due topregnancy. However, her efforts were not understood or respected by her husband, and she instead faced betrayal from herpartner, which deeply wounded her soul. Faced with the impending breakdown of her marriage, Lin Shuang has to retuto the workplace in order to fight for custody of her daughter. In the competitive society, she unexpectedly reunites with her old classmate Gu Xu, who has become an outstanding overseas talent.

As timepasses, Gu Xu never expected to encounter Lin Shuang again. Upon learning that she had abandoned herprofession for many years due to marriage, he felt a great sense of regret. While Lin Shuang faces multiple tests in marriage, the workplace, and family, her friend Jiang Xi silently supports her from behind the scenes. Gu Xu, due to his sympathy and concefor Lin Shuang's situation, unintentionally develops feelings for her. After going through a series of challenges and difficulties, Lin Shuang ultimately completes the transformation from a housewife to a career woman throughpractical actions. She discovers new self-worth in the workplace and finds her own love in theprocess. Although Lin Shuang and Jiang Xi have had conflicts and competition in the workplace, they ultimately achievepersonal growth andprogress through mutual understanding and support, embarking on a beautiful new life.

Episodes Recap

  • 1-4
  • 5-8
  • 9-12
  • 13-16
  • 17-20
  • 21-24
  • 25-28
  • 29-32
  • 33-36

Cast & Role

Wei Ming

Wei Ming
(Li Ze Feng)

Jiang Xi

Jiang Xi
(Zhang Jia Ni)


(Zhao Xin)

Gu Xu

Gu Xu
(Huang Xiao Ming)